Product Description
The Love Story site is at Ngarlu (Red Hill) and the central character is Liltipililty. He desired a
woman from the Napangati skin group but she was strictly forbidden as a sexual partner because
of the marriage laws. Lilitipililty represented as the large U shape was spinning human hair string
on a simple cross spindle known as “wirrakurra” and he began to sing a magic love song and
collect materials for his love magic. The white footprints are his tracks as he was collecting the
items for his magic. As the Napangati woman came closer Liltipililty lost concentration and the
clumps of unspun hair were blown away.
The yellow foot prints are those of the Napangati woman. She is shown as the diamond shape
within the U. The neighboring shape is a Nulla Nulla or fighting club but it is also metaphoric of
the illicit act.