Product Description
The painting of Buyangirr’s pole is as it would have been years ago when used for mortuary
rites for the Ngaymil.
This pole depicts a sacred place that represents a profound font that is described as wana or
home for the Ngaymil power totem, Warrukay the barracuda. This deep place holds the
secret Ngaymil knowledge and Ngaymil soul. Sacred water coming up from this hole,
Nalkanbuy has a special quality known as Djetdja. This is water of profound weight and body
and also of danger amplified by the presence of Warrukay patrolling Nalkanbuy.
Warrukay is depicted on the log, its teeth bared as a warning to those trespassing Nalkan.
It should be noted that the salt water Ngaymil were all but wiped out as a result of a Yolngu
war several generations ago.