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Natural ochre on hollow log 140 cm
Hardwood carving 73 cm
Weathered granite 15 x 12 cms, 7.5 cms diameter hammer stone
Natural ochre on softwood 76 cm
Wire burnt pattern on carved Mulga wood 95 cm
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Sandstone 30 x 22 cms, 10 x 8 cm
Hand carved boomerang with fluted design to one side 64.5 cm
Carved Mulga wood 55 x 5 cm
Wire burnt designs on carved hardwood 67 cms. long, 9 cms. wide
Natural ochre on Ironwood 71 cm
Natural ochre on hardwood 30.5 x 8.5 (pair)
Carving on Mulga wood 68 x 8 cm
Natural ochre on Iron Wood 80 cm
Natural ochre on Ironwwod 91.5 cm
Natural ochre on Ironwood 105 cm
Eucalyptus wood, binding and bees wax. 142.5cm x 2
Stone carved hardwood 53 cm
Natural ochre on hollow log 223 cm
Carved Mulga wood 35.5 cm
Natural ochre on hardwood 60.5 cm
Acrylic on softwood 59 x 17 cm
Stone/resin, glass, grass,ceramic,obsidian Variable – 26 items, largest 11cm to smallest 2.8 cm
Stone Variable size – 25 items
Stone Variable size
Carving on hardwood 228 cms
Natural ochre on ironwood 59cm
Natural ochre on Iron Wood 87 cm
Natural ochre on Iron Wood 102 cm
Natural ochre on Ironwood 90 cm
Natural ochre on Ironwood 82 cm